Imran Khan, the founder and the leader of PTI has also applied for the post of chancellor at Oxford University. While some have applauded him for this, others have had apprehensions. For instance, a recent article in The Observer by Catherine Bennett, outraged and insulted Imran Khan.
Imran Khan Controversial Statements
Imran Khan: is he the man for the job? asked Catherine Bennett, a British writer specialising in politics and culture. She said that Khan once said that Osama bin Laden is a martyr and the Taliban has liberated itself from ‘slavery’. Bennett said that such ideologies are not conducive to the principles of Oxford University.
She also underlined Khan’s statements about the Taliban depriving women of education and his attitude towards rape. According to Khan, women should not become an attraction to men because ‘not everyone can resist.’ Bennett argued that such views are aged and are disobedient to the liberal culture that Oxford University upholds.

Issues With Imran Khan’s Love for China
Another issue that angered Bennett was Imran Khan’s supporting the Chinese government: oppression of Uyghur Muslims. Khan has also once recommended China’s style of leadership as being superior to Western-style democracy. Bennett said that this position is contrary to the university’s liberal values of freedom of speech and human rights.

Comparing Imran Khan to Lady Elish Angiolini
Specifically, Bennett made a comparison of Imran Khan with another contender for the chancellorship, Lady Elish Angiolini. Lady Angiolini a lawyer, has been involved in initiatives to ensure Oxford accommodated poor students. She has conducted significant public investigations. According to Bennett, Lady Angiolini is a more suitable candidate for the position because she aligns with the values of Oxford.
Bennett said, “It would indeed be difficult to find anyone further removed from the Taliban and their supporters than Lady Angiolini and regrettably, the same can’t be said about Mr. Khan.”

Media’s Respond to Imran Khan’s Candidacy
Imran Khan’s application to be the Chancellor of Oxford University has attracted a lot of attention in UK media. Some British MPs including Lord Daniel Hannan and independent Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain have supported Khan. On the other hand, an associate professor at Oxford University was not very optimistic about Khan’s bid. The professor inferred that PTI could be more of a posturing party than one that wanted to be in the position.
The candidacy of Imran Khan in the elections to become the chancellor at Oxford University has received a warm response as well as criticism. While some support his candidature, others such as Catherine Bennett, consider him unfit for the position due to his stand on issues. Thus, it is still uncertain how Khan’s application will impact his image and the reputation of the university.