Mikaal Zulfiqar has been one of the tallest and the most handsome celebrities in Pakistan for many years. Having produced reputable drama works for over two decades, he has left his imprint on the country’s drama industry. Through entertaining performances, an engaging personality and believable characters, he has achieved considerable popularity among the audience. Present today in the drama serial Dil e Nadaan, Mikaal Zulfiqar is still equally captivating audiences on television and continues to remain committed to his passion.

In an interview the other day, Mikaal discussed his career, his love, and what propels him to give his best every time. Here are several major ideas regarding his views on life and work, family and social problems.
Balancing Relationships: Mikaal Zulfiqar
Besides acting talents, Mikaal Zulfiqar is also famous for his philosophical way of living. He discussed one of the most primal aspects of his characteristic and passion; the dynamics of relationships wherein he energetically referred to his role as Sherry in the drama Jaisay Aapki Marzi.
He noted that people have different connection types, and they include parents, siblings, or a spouse, among others. To him, the position of a wife has its different and special place that should be accorded due respect and recognition. But while managing the above-mentioned dualities, Mikaal Zulfiqar confesses that it is not easy. Being a male person he shares how difficult if not impossible it can be to negotiate all kinds of relations in one’s life.

“It’s a delicate balancing act,” Mikaal says, with emphasis: “And getting that balance right is one of the challenges.” He states that parents, and siblings, will always be part of one’s life regardless, but a wife is a new addition to one’s life and thus needs to be handled in a new approach. The most crucial point, as said by Mikaal, is the issue of sharing an equal amount of time, which as it seems, he strongly feels constitutes one of the biggest challenges of affection.
Trust: The Foundation of Every Kind of Connection
One more point, that Mikaal discussed, was the role of trust in interpersonal relationships. He opined that the end of trust often leads to or is the culmination of the annihilation of the relationship. Lack of trust is a clear path to the failure of any connection, no matter how hard the parties involved may try to work on it.

Thus for Mikaal Zulfiqar, the greatest sign of incompatibility in a couple is when one person tries while the other does not. He thinks that partnership is about a 50/50 proposition, and when one individual will feel that they are the only one effort ing, the relationship will not work. Mikaal underlined, that while he has a lot of patience and consideration, if there is no corresponding reaction from the other side, he is ready to terminate the communication.
In the same interview, Mikaal Zulfiqar further expounded: “I am a live and let live person, but if the other person is not pulling his plug as I pull mine, then it becomes impossible.” This viewpoint provides a clear insight into the truth about the star’s principles of equity and camaraderie fundamental to any partnership.
Women and Society: Mikaal’s View on Literacy

In the past few years, the topic of women and their place in Pakistani society has not been without controversy. In an interview about Sahil Adeem’s gender misconception where he said women are ‘Jahil’ or ‘ignorant’, Mikaal Zulfiqar did not shy away from expressing his opinion. He did not react to the idea of generalization positively. He was arguing that women are a lot smarter than men in many ways.

But Mikaal Zulfiqar also made it clear that illiteracy is quite rampant in the country and it is prevalent among men as well as women. He noted that ignorance is not a problem of either the male or female gender alone but a societal vice that requires everybody’s cooperation. The aspects Mikaal stresses are education and light for the betterment of both males and females in society.